What is the Hydra Platform?
An online marketplace for accessing alternative investments.
Hydra is an independent investment platform operated by former CIO's, portfolio managers, researchers, and industry veterans. We subject all managers to due diligence screening to bring best of breed managers onto our platform and keep our interests aligned with clients.
We are fully transparent about all fees and costs. There are no hidden transaction fees, etc. when you invest via the Hydra Platform. We do not share a percentage of managers fees as marketers typically do. We do not earn any brokerage commissions or "kickbacks", or earn anything on interest rate float.
We do not utilize swap contracts or other complicated transactions that often contain hidden fees or introduce counterparty risk in order to provide investors with access to managers. We are not affiliated with or under common ownership with our fund administrator.
Hydra gives qualified investors the ability to access top-tier fully vetted macro, managed futures, FX and hedge fund managers at lower investment minimums and the same fee structure as direct managed accounts. Kettera’s team of professionals conducts rigorous due diligence on each manager before a manager is approved for the Hydra platform.
Hydra’s technology infrastructure combines intraday transparency from the trading exposure level, through strategy level, to a roll-up of an entire tactical trading portfolio. Our Portfolio Builder allows investors to construct multi-manager portfolios according to selected parameters.
The platform provides access to platform managers on a twice-monthly dealing date at lower minimums than the manager’s stated minimums. The platform also allows clients electronic subscription, reallocation, and redemption capabilities with PDF forms.